Note9 Hair Fixing Studio

Common myths that people believe about non-surgical hair replacement

Are you looking for a quick non-surgical hair replacement technique to hide your bald spot but afraid to pursue it due to some common misconceptions you have come across?

It seems unbelievable that there are plenty of myths floating around non-surgical hair replacement techniques. Unfortunately, these canards are continued to be believed as true and as a result, many people are misguided as to how to undergo these simple yet effective hairline restoration procedures.  

Here are a few common myths surrounding non-surgical hair restoration techniques and what to do about them.

1. It’s just a fancy name for a hair wig!

Suppose you come across any individual who claims that non-surgical hair replacement technique is similar to putting on a hair wig, pay no heed to it! Non-surgical hair replacement procedures are comprehensive and involve careful examination of the scalp and hair loss pattern. 

Most non-surgical hairline restoration procedures are designed to match the requirements of an individual along with a combination of texture, sheen and color. The procedure follows the natural hairline of the individual and makes it look like the hair is growing from the scalp. It is certainly not a complete hair wig that you can find in any store. 

2.Only the rich can invest in such procedures

One of the most common rumors you might come across about non-surgical hair restoration techniques is that it is an expensive procedure and only the rich can afford it. However, this is not true.

Non-surgical hair replacement techniques including micro-needling and low-level laser therapy are reasonably priced. Furthermore, the overall cost of non-surgical hair restoration procedures is often a one-time investment as the outcomes are nearly natural and subtle. On the contrary, surgical hair transplants like hair grafting and hair implants are expensive and painful options, particularly if you are already spending a fortune on intermittent sessions and treatments with a cosmetic surgeon. 

3.Looks artificial on the head

Unquestionably if you visit an amateur hairstylist chances are there your hair system could end up looking like a hair wig. Hence, it is wise to choose a hairstylist who has positive reviews about their work and experience. 

Non-surgical hair restoration techniques are meant to look natural and realistic. You need not worry about the look of your hair if the hairstylist is an experienced and known professional from the industry. Before administering any procedure, your hairstylist will thoroughly assess your face and scalp and offer you exceptional advice about hair color and hair density that matches your age and profile. 

4.Not a compatible option during the summers

Be it natural hair or a hair system, all types of hair become brittle when they are continuously exposed to the sun. But that shouldn’t stop you from stepping out in the sun and flaunting your attractive tresses. 

It is essential to take care of your hair system if they are exposed to extreme sunlight or hot weather conditions. You can don a hat or cap or simply wrap a scarf around your head to protect your hair system from the sun. You can also decide on using a UV protection hair spray that will lock the hair color and prevent it from fading away. In addition to this, you will have to clean the hair system often due to sweat and dust collected on the face and scalp. 

5.Can irritate the lining of the forehead and cause an itchy scalp

The odds of having any problem with the hair system are close to zero especially if you are having the procedure done on your scalp by a renowned hair expert. 

With a realistic and natural hair system, you are not wearing artificial strands or synthetic mono bases that make your scalp feel sweaty, itchy and irritable. Manufacturers of customized hair systems these days employ breathable membranes that lessen irritations to the scalp. If you have highly sensitive skin, you can opt for hypoallergenic adhesive which will mitigate other skin problems. 

6.Cause of a predicament  – could lead to a fashion disaster

Are you afraid that your hair system might fall off when you are playing sports or engaging in other physical activities? 

Contemporary hairline restoration procedures are designed to remain fixed on your scalp, regardless of the physical activities you participate in. With your hair system, you can undertake several activities! You can dive into pools, dance your way to happiness; participate in sports and perform a lot more activities sans any worry. However, you will need to visit your hairstylist for a quick touch up to keep you in style. 

Non-surgical hair systems make an excellent choice for both men and women who want to counter hair thinning, baldness or hair loss. The good news is that hair systems are customizable and are a safe and reasonably priced procedure that will leave you with fuller, realistic and thicker hair.

We hope you find these steps simple and easy to follow.
In case you have any queries, feel free to call or WhatsApp on +91 98489 90202. Our executives will be more than happy to help you.